Delivery Information
First of all, please confirm your delivery address before payment. It is better to leave your email address for contact. After purchase, please provide a valid email address and check email for any updates. Secondly, goods are normally shipped within five working days after the payment method has been verified (excluding Saturdays and Sundays and legal holidays in most countries). Third, once we send the package, we will send you the logistics tracking number (if any). After the logistics number is informed, the display time of logistics status will take 3-5 days, delivery time of packages usually takes 7 to 15 working days, which depends on the destination, holidays and factors beyond the control of the postal service. If there is a delay, please wait more patiently. Fourth, the order will be delivered by UBI or EMS. UBI will be always the first choice, that because it can deliver orders anywhere in the world. Therefore, UBI or EMS is better for you. Please send a comment or email to us via the "contact us" button on our website, so we will deal with it according to your requirements.
You can login for all the logistics status.
While delays are uncommon, on rare occasions there may be delays due to unforeseen circumstances. In this instance we will do our best to assist in expediting delivery with the courier or air mail service.
We will not be liable or held responsible for any delays or losses resulting, directly or indirectly from Acts of God, severe weather conditions, labor disputes, governmental actions, war, riots, congestion and any other circumstances or causes beyond our reasonable control.
Though it is a very rare occurrence, we will not be held responsible for any additional customs taxes incurred.